Forlinx i.MX6 Quad Core Board Cooling Solution Reference
Heat dissipation has always been a problem that R&D personnel pay close attention to, especially for high-heat components such as CPUs. The Forlinx embedded FETMX6Q-C core board is based on the i.MX6 Quad processor design of NXP's Cortex-A9 architecture. As a core board equipped with a high-performance quad-core processor, actual measurements show that when running the Android system for an extended period at room temperature while playing high-definition video, the temperature of the processor on the core board is maintained between 50-55 degrees Celsius, which is an ideal range. Of course, many engineers hope that the processor temperature can be lower. In this case, adding a suitable heat sink can not only further reduce the temperature of the processor but also extend its lifespan.
When choosing a heat sink, you must first consider the needs of the platform without excessively pursuing efficiency. Secondly, from the perspective of installation, the heat sink and the core board must be simple and secure. Finally, considering the economy, the heat sink is ultimately just an auxiliary tool, so there is no need to choose one that is excessively costly.
Two specifications of heat sinks are recommended for the Forlinx embedded FETMX6Q-C core board.
The following is a comparison of the data before and after installing the heat sink.
Before installation:
Enter the CPU temperature self-check command, and the display shows 51 degrees Celsius:
root@sabresd_6dq:/ # cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp 51
After installation:
After the experiment, the cooling effect is about 6 degrees Celsius, which is quite impressive.
root@sabresd_6dq:/ # cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp 45
This heat sink can also be used for the OK4418-C development boards and OK4418 development boards for Forlinx Embedded Samsung S5P6818 and S5P6818 series products.