OK3568-C Development Board Evaluation
SBC OK3568-C is a new embedded development board launched by Forlinx. It’s split design of System on Module(SoM) + carrier board. Based on Rockchip RK3568, which has the characteristics of high performance, low power consumption, rich functions, and high-speed peripheral interfaces.
1. Brief Introduction of OK3568-C Development Board
OK3568-C development board is designed based on RK3568. The processor is Quad-core 64-bit Cortex-A55 processor based on advanced 22nm processing technology, with independent NEON coprocessor and Network Processing Unit(NPU). Applicable to computer, mobile phone, personal mobile Internet, digital multimedia device.
OK3568-C development platform SoM and carrier board are connected by board-to-board connectors. It has many onboard peripheral resources and interfaces.
For functions and interfaces, please refer to the product details of SBC OK3568-C: www.forlinx.net/single-board-computer/rk3568-sbc-126.html
2. functions and interfaces test
2.1 Preparations
Before the test, prepare the following materials:
- 1. 12v2A DC cable
- 2. Network cable
- 3. Type-C data cable
- 4. Mouse and keyboard
- 5. HDMI cable (optional)
Note: The display of HDMI, MIPI-DSI, and LVDS are enabled by default. You can choose the corresponding display according to your own display device. Without display is also ok.
2.2 Login to system
There are many ways to Login to device system. If don’t use screen, you can use the serial port and SSH to log in. But SSH login needs to be connected to network first.
2.2.1 QT interface test
Here use HDMI. After connected with device, the interface is as follows:
Above are all the applications. You can use the mouse to open the function interfaces,like hard decoding, Camera, OpenGL, audio, network (Ethernet and WIFi), UART, SPI... These operations are very simple, please refer to "OK3568-C_Linux User Manual", or contact us to get it now.
2.2.2 Serial port login
Connect Type-C debugging serial port to PC. If serial port driver is ok, you can see the serial port number in device manager.
Before logging in by serial port, first install the serial port driver. The serial port chip is CP201x, and the computer tested here has installed it.
Next, you can use the terminal tool to log in to system. Here we use Xshell. You can also use other tools, such as putty.
After successful login, it will print information as follows:
Serial port settings:
Baud rate 115200, data bits 8, stop bits 1, no parity bit, no flow control.
2.2.3 SSH login
Connect to network before it, here we use Ethernet.And log in by serial port in advance, then enter the following command to view IP address:
The network IP address can also be modified by the following command:
# ifconfig eth0
If you have configured Ethernet to DHCP mode, you will get an IP address after plugged in Internet cable. Modify /etc/network/interRFaces as follows:
Then you can use ifconfig to check IP.
Next, you can use SSH to log in to system. You can use tools such as Xshell. You can also use SSH to log in in Ubuntu system.
The default login user and password are root. If forget the password, you can log in to system by serial port and use passwd to modify it. Successful login will print information as follows:
It is the same as serial port login.
2.3 Test
2.3.1 System Information
1. Hardware detection
# dmesg #Detect hardware boot information, that is, the log information of system booting.
2. View kernel and CPU information
# uname -a
#System Overview
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
# CPU info
3. View memory information
# cat /proc/meminfo
#memory parameters
# free -m
# Memory usage (-m for MB)
4. Device Information
# cat /proc/devices
# Display device and the corresponding device number
2.3.2 Storage Device Speed Test
1. DDR read and write test
The memory of SBC OK3568-C is D9WFH DDR4 of Micron. The read and write speed test commands are as follows:
Read speed test: # bw_mem 100M rd
Write speed test: # bw_mem 100M wr
The read and write rates are 5257.07MB/s and 1526.48MB/s respectively.
2. eMMC read and write test
The eMMC of SBC OK3568-C is from SanDisk, and the read and write speed test commands are as follows:
Read test: # time dd if=/test of=/dev/null bs=1M
Write test: # time dd if=/dev/zero of=/test bs=1M count=500 conv=fsync
The read and write rates are 1.5GB/s and 77.0MB/s respectively.
3. TF card test
Insert TF card into the TF card slot on SBC OK3568-C, and type the information as follows:
By default, the TF card is mounted to file system /run/media/
Write test: # time dd if=/dev/zero of=/run/media/mmcblk1p1/test bs=1Mcount=500 conv=fsync
Read test: # time dd if=/run/media/mmcblk1p1/test of=/dev/null bs=1M
The read and write rates are 1.5GB/s and 19.6MB/s respectively. The speed of different brands TF cards will have difference. Please perform write test first and then perform read test.
4. USB2.0/USB3.0
SBC OK3568 supports two USB2.0 and one USB3.0 interface. Users can connect USB mouse, USB keyboard, USB disk to any onboard USB HOST interface.
Next, test USB2.0 first, insert USB disk, and type the information as follows:
First view USB disk:
# ls -l /run/media/
Write test:
# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/run/media/sda/test bs=1Mcount=500 conv=fsync
Read test:
# time dd if=/run/media/sda/test of=/dev/null bs=1M
Different types of USB disks will affect the read and write speed.
Next, test USB3.0. It’s multiplexed with OTG. Switch to use it by DIP switch. When using USB3.0, the DIP switch is at ON position. Insert USB disk, and type information as follows:
First view USB disk:
# ls -l /run/media/
Write test:
# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/run/media/sda/test bs=1Mcount=500 conv=fsync
Read test:
# time dd if=/run/media/sda/test of=/dev/null bs=1M
From the above test results, USB3.0 is much faster than USB2.0.
2.3.3 Network Test
SBC OK3568-C has two Gigabit Ethernet and one WiFi. The network speed test methods are same, Here we test TCP bandwidth of Gigabit Ethernet (ETH0) with system-provided tool, Iperf . It is a network performance testing tool. Iperf can test TCP and UDP bandwidth quality, and measure maximum TCP bandwidth and UDP characteristics.
TCP test:
Server execution: #iperf -s -i 1 -w1M
Client execution: #iperf -c host -i1 -w 1M where -w represents TCP window size, and host needs to be replaced with the server address.
UDP test
Server execution: #iperf -u -s
Client execution: #iperf -u -c10.32.0.254 -b 900M -i 1 -w 1M -t 60
The following takes TCP as an example to test, and the test here is ETH0. Open the server first: # iperf -s -i 1 -w 1M
Then use SSH to log in, create a new terminal, and open a terminal again: # iperf -c -i 1
2.3.4 Serial bus test
1. Serial port test
SBC OK3568-C supports multiple serial ports. The serial ports available to users are UART3, UART4, and UART5. The corresponding device names on SBC OK3568-C are ttyS3, ttyS4, and ttyS5.
Before the test, you can short-circuit RT and TX of serial port. Here, take UART3 as an example, that is, short-circuit RX3 and TX3.
# fltest_uarttest -d /dev/ttyS3
The above indicates that the communication is normal.
2. SPI test
There are 2 SPI interfaces on SBC OK3568-C, which are default configured as spidev by software for loopback testing. Short circuit MOSI and MISO before testing. Here we take SPI2 as an example.
# fltest_spidev_test -D /dev/spidev2.0
The above indicates that the communication is normal.
2.3.5 WEB test
SBC OK3568-C is pre-installed with lighttpd web server. The lighttpd service has been automatically started when system startup. Enter the IP address of SBC OK3568-C in the browser to browse the web pages in its web server.
The interface is the same like HDMI. And the operation is also similar. If you want to know more functions and tests, contact us now to get " OK3568-C_Linux User Manual".